
WirelessWay.us is a private beta test, we’re working on ways to expand rural and mobile broadband to more people. By day, we help big tech companies build compelling devices, and corporate customers out in the middle of nowhere.

Unless you received an invite from us, we aren’t really open to new members.  We’re collecting nothing more than how many gigabytes people use per month, and working with device makers on how we can make rural broadband sustainable for all. And no, we don’t track anyone’s internet logs – we absolutely don’t/can’t see what sites or apps our members use out on the internet.

All of our consumer testing is generally limited to less than a hundred people at any given time. We’re a small operation, we can’t/won’t/don’t want more than that.

How do people become members? Well, you probably don’t. We have pop up sales here and there, as we test out solutions, and gather feedback. Sometimes we’ll even seed members new hardware out of the blue, typically when we need real (non-geek) human beings to test. That said, we do tend to bend over backwards to keep members happy. Happy testers, make for a better world.

We’re not planning to be the “next big thing” – this is just our sandbox to help make rural broadband and gadgets better.

If you’re looking at this site, you either stumbled on one of those pop-up offerings, or are an existing beta test member. If so, welcome. There’s not much to see here, but welcome all the same.

For existing members, your support hub is support@wirelessway.us – there you can get technical support, assistance with your membership, as well as access to copies of terms of service and other regulatory documents on request.