Do Not Sell My Info

We aren’t a marketing firm, we’re an engineering firm. We don’t have any plans to sell or market your data.

Regardless, California law may be interpreted as requiring us to allow you to opt out anyway. We believe the only way this could impact you, is if our company is acquired by another firm… something we have no plans to do today.

If you are not a member of Project Wireless Way, we do not collect any data about your use of this site. Hence we have nothing to opt out of.

If you are a member of Project Wireless Way, send an email to with the Subject Link “Do Not Sell My Info” – and your information will be added to a California-compliant block list. You can do this if you are, or aren’t, in the state of California.

Again, we assure you, we’re very privacy minded here. You certainly are free to do this – but we have zero plans to ever sell your data to others.